Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Molar Agenda

I know by my age I should have lost all my baby teeth at the least, but guess what? I've still got 7 molars to go. Yes, I did lose ONE molar recently, although it wasn't easy uprooting him. The worst thing is that all 7 maddening molars are now rebelling against my mouth, meaning it hurts to chew just about everything. I'm fairly certain they'll all jump ship soon, leaving me hopelessly eating pudding and applesauce, or maybe just slowly starving to death. To make it worse, they have some pet canines that are chewing their way up through my gum, making me feel the pain even when I don't chew, and speeding up the "tooth loss" project. However, there is a slight backlash. One of their agents is firmly stuck between a secondary molar agent and a canine. Unfortunately, they've made up for it by planting a cavity bomb inside of him, also giving me an incentive to pull him out. Too bad I can't because I might leave bits of him behind in my gum, and thus cause my parents dentist bills. I'm also fairly certain that the adult molars are on their payroll as well, otherwise they would be speeding up their growth a little more. I could swear my teeth plan this all out, who knows though, maybe it's a blessing since it stops me getting braces yet. One thing's for sure; it sure isn't gonna be pretty when my wisdom teeth join the party.

1 comment:

Lars Shalom said...

the aliens are here and they love christ!!! plus: 'Conversation with Jesus!! search 'aliens', 'jesus'