Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dust Bunnies

I originally wanted to call my new blog "Dust Bunnies", but my plans were foiled when I discovered that both "dustbunnies" and "dust-bunnies" as a blog URL were taken. What annoyed me even more was that these people weren't even using them. So after slumping off to the animal shelter to socialize the cats, I came back with the idea of "The Clockworks" in my mind. I wasn't very surprised to find that "theclockworks" was already taken, by what I guessed was someone who made or fixed clocks, but I had trouble understanding their posts so I could be wrong. So you can imagine I was quite happy when "the-clockworks" was still available. Being my usual idiotic self, I went to the next step, and then realized I should probably do one last spell check on the name and URL. Since I couldn't find a proper back button, I just used the one on my browser. After feeling relieved that everything was spelled correctly, I pressed the official "continue" button, and of course the slightly annoying software made me type in the warped letters from that picture again. After that I got sent into a panic because the software said the blog URL was already taken. I was completely convinced it had been stolen by some evil blog-stealing software or a pack of rabid squirrels. After consulting tearfully with Mom, I got a "light bulb" that the software may have created the blog before I chose the layout. And sure enough, when I went to my profile, there it was. I can be so stupid sometimes.

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