Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Crazy Cravings

For the past few days and then some, I've had this incurable craving for what I believe is called a Daifuku, specifically with Anko filling. I've only had this delicious treat once, at a Japanese festival I went to at least two years ago. It is, in short, a gooey pastry filled with a sweet bean concoction. I actually found a recipe here, but I'm not sure whether I will be able to find the ingredients to make it. Or for that matter, be able to make it. It's more the texture I like than the flavor, although I certainly do like the sweet beans as well. I recall it was very filling, and in my opinion would fit under the "heavy" food category. Other cravings I've had recently are Chips Ahoy Chunky cookies and Chocolate Lovers Delight cake from Costco. Luckily I managed to fulfill the cookie craving, the others are as of yet unanswered to.

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